Your Instant Estimate
Thanks so much for using the instant estimate feature on our website. Based on what you have told us we estimate that
planning & building regulation
drawings are likely to cost
for your project. This estimate is valid until
Monday, May 20, 2024
Take a look at the information below to learn a little more about Arkitectly, and what makes us different. If you have any questions about this estimate, your plans, or the process itself please don't hesitate to
contact us
If you'd like to move forward with this estimate you can request a formal quote by using the button below. One of our designers will then take a look at your home online and confirm the cost by emailing you a quote.


We have over 15 years experience of helping homeowners just like you realise their ideas and create their dream homes. We take time to understand our client's aims for the project and enjoy working with them to ensure the end result will be everything they dreamed of!

High Quality Drawings

We use the latest in computer design software to produce high-quality, clear, and good looking
planning & building regulation
drawings of your project.

Cutting Edge Technology

Our investment in technology doesn't stop at the design software...

Client Portal App

Have a direct hotline to your designer with our very own app. It's available for mobile phones, tablets, and computers and allows you to chat with us just like texting or using apps like WhatsApp.
It also helps keep all the important documents for your project together, gives you the ability to review and comment on your drawings, and allows us to set up video calls to talk through the designs together.

Laser Scanned Survey

The basis of all good drawings is accurate measurements. Unlike many of our competitors, we undertake this part of the process ourselves.
We have invested in the very latest laser scanning technology to allow us to take millions of measurements of your home in just a few minutes per room. The result is a highly accurate "digital twin" of your property on our computers just like the one shown here. It's not a photograph - it's actually made up of hundreds of millions of tiny dots.

Virtual Reality

Many clients struggle to visualise the proposed extension from just looking at the two-dimensional. drawings.
If that sounds like you then our optional virtual reality service could help... Once your drawings are drafted our designer can return to your home bringing our VR headset to allow you the chance to explore everything before a brick has even been laid!

Next Steps...

Ready to get started? Just click the button below and let us know your address. One of our designers will then take a look at your home online to check that your plans are feasible and confirm the cost by emailing you a quote.
request a quote